Game Up Your Video Editing Skills By Overcoming Mistakes

Video Editing Skills

Creating a video can seem overwhelming. There are many ways that you could easily go wrong. With all the editing possibilities in the world, it can be hard to find yourself with a product that is any good, let alone worth showing off in public. 

Do not stress! Remember, some of the best editing ‘techniques’ were inspired by mistakes. If you do not want to waste all your time and energy trying different things that do not work or if you simply want to just level up on your video editing skills, here are some common mistakes and tips so that you can streamline away with minimal fuss:

Inconsistent Audio

You will normally have to deal with two or three different kinds of audio components in your editing timeline. You will, of course, have the original audio of the video, voice-overs, and music tracks. New editors face one common issue when the music track overpowers the voice talent. To fix that, ensure that the music sits right below the voice or blends well with your voice talent.

Pro Tip: If your project does not have any sound from the original clip, you can mute the original audio by right-clicking the video track on your online video editor, then selecting ‘separate audio and video.’ Once that is done, just hide or delete the audio track as per your requirement.

Now, close your eyes and closely listen to your video. It needs more work if it does not sound right, no matter how beautiful your video footage is!

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Longer Than Required

Amateur or inexperienced editors try to stuff everything and anything into their projects. For some reason, they do not realize the importance of a cohesive storyline and how that is crucial in editing. Naturally, everyone wishes to create something long-lasting, and it is understandable since it will take hours upon hours of hard work before your project is completed. However, you can not just assume every minute of your story matters as much as the others. 

If you think it needs to be there, then make sure it is worth its weight in gold when it comes to preventing unnecessary information from bogging down your story’s impact! Or else, keep it short, engaging, and succinct!

Irregular Jump Cuts

Every editing technique has its strengths and weaknesses. The jump cut may be an old hat, but it is still useful when executed correctly. The jump cut speeds up the flow of a video by allowing you to omit unnecessary information without sacrificing the real point of the scene altogether. 

However, it is not recommended that you overuse it, particularly when new to the editing game! One should always consider the best practices before employing any specific editing method. This will help you make effective use of your labor rather than seeming just to be tacking scenes onto each other.

Pro Tip: Explore the setup of other cameras to shoot at a different angle and cut between them. If you can, add special effects to transition so that the audience is not jarred too abruptly if they are still following the subject’s movements on screen.

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Improper Transitions

This common mistake can happen due to faulty shots or spacing of clips when recording a video or editing. It is often visible when the transition is longer than the previous clip. New editors may film the perfect shot more often than ever but miscalculate the space between two shots by not allowing enough time for the previous shot to extend long enough to transfer over smoothly into the next clip. This results in the viewer being given an unwanted view of a black screen in place of the transition. 

This can be easily fixed on any online video editing tool. Simply drag and drop an appropriate transition on the track after setting the proper length of the previous clip and the transition. 

Pro Tip: You can view incomplete transitions using the feature ‘wipe transitions‘ on any video maker. 

Hiding Sensitive Information

For instance, training new people or providing a walkthrough with a screen recording can be easy to show private information that can be considered sensitive accidentally. This is prone to happen if something you are recording is from a personal device. 

Fret not! Nowadays, video makers give you the option to conceal this information by simply blurring out your videos’ confidential or sensitive areas.

However, when you are using the blur tool, tread lightly! Think of it as a literal filter being put in front of your face. The blur tool not only protects your personal information – but can also draw attention to areas in your video, such as specific text or graphics outlines.

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Lack Of Attention To Detail

This is the most common yet easily avoidable mistake you can make while editing your video. 

Double-check these aspects of your video post-editing:

  • Content accuracy, spelling, overall font size, and alignment consistency.
  • Sound mix and its appropriate ranges.
  • Final color grading and overall consistency.
  • Stabilization of all video clips.

Pro Tip: Once you are all done editing your video and think you are happy with how it looks, be sure to have multiple people watch the video for their objective review of the end product. Invite them over and watch it on a large screen with proper audio equipment. Take notes on everything that could use some touching up. Have these individuals give their honest opinions no matter what they reveal about you personally or professionally.

Wrapping Up

As mentioned earlier, editing your video can be a challenge. This can be especially true if you have never tried your hand at it before. But by overcoming these common editing mistakes, you can make sure that your video turns out looking more polished and professional every time!

Remember, editing your video to tell one unique story is the most important thing, but sometimes this means breaking industry standards to create something more creative! So, get started already!

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Video Editing Skills
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